Sunday, November 11, 2007

Almost a month

since my last blogpost.

It is that time of year when time speeds away from you. Halloween - zoom. Thanksgiving - only 10 days away. And Christmas - bam. How did I get so far behind? Last year, I promised myself that THIS year, I would have my Christmas cards ordered by now, so I could get the good deals like free shipping and stuff. Forget ordering, I have not even bought a holiday dress for Audrey, much less taken the photo, edited the photo, or chosen a card-making website to print the cards. What happened? It seems like just last week she was trying on her Halloween costume.

Probably, if I spent less time knitting, I would get more of these other projects done.

The knitting portion of the Minimalist Cardigan is done:
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And a closeup:
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I finished the knitting of the third sleeve last Sunday night, just hours before leaving on a business trip that involved 6.5 hours of driving each way. So of course, I wanted my size 8 needles empty to start a new project that would last through all that driving:

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Audrey's winter sweater. The yarn, Plymouth Encore Worsted. The needles, US8. The color, really f-cking bright pink. My bad. I took Audrey to The Knitting Garden, put her in front of the wall of Encore, and told her she could pick any color she wanted for her sweater. Serves me right. At least she is small, and I only have to watch 600 yds of it go past my aching eyes. The pattern, Scarborough, by She-who-must-not-be-named. If she could see her creation rendered in hot pink worsted weight acrylic blend, I'm sure she would have some really choice words for me. Probably find a way to block my internet access to her website too.

So that is what I have been doing for the past week. I'm past the first half of the gussets, and into the front yoke. I've got another road trip for work coming up on Thursday, I think I may be able to finish this up in another week or so. And THEN, I can return to the Minimalist Cardigan. You know, for the seaming and blocking and stuff.

Then what? The perpetual question. Fair Isle mittens? Baby llama? Socks? I really can't decide. Note I did not say Christmas knitting. Might still happen, but probably not.

Till later!

p.s. anybody wonder about that third sleeve? No, not a lab-derived anatomical mutation. I noticed a massive error just past the cast on of the 1st sleeve, and had to frog and re-do the whole thing.


Blogger chemgrrl said...

Well, they both look great, regardless of any obnoxious colors. :)

12:33 PM  

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