Approaching the 11th hour
Phew. I'm tired. The new job is really soaking up a lot of time that I used to spend online. You've probably noticed a dropoff in the frequency of posts here, and especially on Knittyboard. But I haven't left you! Just lurking more, reading, keeping up with you all via our blogs when I can.
My New Year's resolutions? To send my digital photos to the printer more frequently and update my photo albums. To spend more time writing. To learn to spin better (I "found" one of my Christmas gifts already. I didn't mean to, but when I was paying the bills the other week, I noticed my husband had written a check to Stephen Kundert. Took me a few minutes to figure out who he is. Woohoo! I'm getting a pretty spindle! I've heard good things about his spindles - they're supposed to be good spinners.) To knit up a good chunk of my stash.
What's on the needles? Gray socks, with a baby cable design on the leg, ribbing on the foot. My own design. Okay, someone somewhere has probably published a pattern just like this, but I haven't seen it, so I'm calling it "mine". Yarn: Knitpicks Essential solid. Oh my. Much finer gauge than the other sock yarns I've used. I'm getting 10.5 sts/inch on my US0's. So the socks are a whopping 84 sts/row compared to 60. Ick. Not a quick knit.
What's off the needles? Swallowtail! Finally finished, blocked, and ends trimmed. Just in time to give to my MIL for Christmas.

Happy holidays to everyone out there! This will probably be my last post of the year - see you in 2007!